applied - definitie. Wat is applied
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Wat (wie) is applied - definitie

¦ adjective (of a subject) practical rather than theoretical. Compare with pure.
An applied subject of study has a practical use, rather than being concerned only with theory.
...Applied Physics.
...plans to put more money into applied research.
? pure
·Impf & ·p.p. of Apply.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor applied
1. It's applied to languages, applied
Raising Confident Kids _ Nadim Saad _ Talks at Google
2. Companies like Applied Materials-- Applied Materials
The Future of Technology _ Jose Cordeiro _ Talks at Google
3. applied research and not-yet-applied research,
The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge _ Robbert Dijkgraaf _ Talks at Google
4. when applied.
Everyone's an Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too _ Jonny Sun _ Talks at Google
5. be applied.
Emerging Technologies and Humanity _ Marko Suvajdzic _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor applied
1. "It is often applied in a discriminatory manner, follows unfair trials or is applied for political reasons.
2. While these exceptions applied to the Prophet certain rules applied to him and to other prophets before him.
3. If only the effort and logistical planning applied to vandalism and gratuitous self–advertising could be applied more productively!
4. It is often applied in a discriminatory manner, follows unfair trials or is applied for political reasons," Khan said.
5. They meant it as applied to our missionary work, but of course it could be applied to business as well.